The loss of a loved one may become especially painful when a wedding represents the hopes and dreams of that missing person. For this reason, recognizing this loss in a few moments of memorial during a wedding ceremony may meet some deep inner needs for a sense of the loved one’s presence by mean of a few moments of memorial introduced by appropriate words such as the following:
Today, as we celebrate this special day, _(Groom)_ and _(Bride)__ would like to pause to remember those no longer with us. Though we cannot see them, we sense their presence. (Groom)_ and _(Bride)__, would each of you please light a candle in memory of our love ones who would have treasured being with us today, but could not.
<light electric candles>
Each candle symbolizes the light within each of your hearts that illuminates the memories of your loved ones and the love we have for them that has transcended their deaths and keeps them forever alive within each of you.
<moment of silence>
_(Bride)_ / _(Groom)_ would also like all assembled to pause for a moment of memorial to his father/mother, ——– , who, along with his Mom/Dad, ——– , dedicated his life to providing an environment in which _(Bride)_ / _(Groom)_ could grow into the man/woman that _(Bride)_ / _(Groom)_ has come to love.
Today, as we celebrate this special day, _(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ would like to pause to reflect upon those who have shaped their character, moulded their spirits and touched their hearts. Although death has separated us physically, faith and love have bound us eternally. Though we cannot see them, we sense their presence. Though we cannot touch them, we feel the warmth of their smile, as we begin a new chapter in our lives. Let us not forget the ones that have departed from our world, but not before they graced us with special memories only they could create. May the influence of our loved ones that touched us deeply, but only stayed briefly in our lives, continue with us as we join our lives together as one.