

The list of ceremonies that follows allows for a wide variety of styles. Many couples will find one that fits them and their situation perfectly. For those who want to be more innovative the normal flow of a wedding ceremony follows this outline:

The Processional
Presentation of the Bride
Opening Remarks to Guests
Remarks to the Couple
Impediment declaration
The Pledge / Answer: I do.
The Word of God
Pastoral Counsel to Wedding Guests
Pastoral Guidance to Couple
Pre- Vow Prayer
The Vows
The Exchange of Rings
Declaration of Marriage
Pastoral Prayer for the Couple
Signing of the Register
Presentation of the Bride and Groom

The three legal necessities for every wedding ceremony are: impediment declaration, marriage vows and a declaration of marriage. Other matters are optional and adjustable, but are natural parts to a normal ceremony. Readings and add-on ceremonies also found in The Bride’s Candy Store may add sparkle as well.

Click links to view ceremonies…

1.  Growing in Love

2.  Coming Together

3.  Richness of Love

4.  Brought Together by God

5.  Beyond the Ordinary – with memorial

6.  A Gift of God

7.  God’s Purpose for Us  – with meaningful presentation of bride

8.  Walking Together

9.  My Companion – with recognition of parents

10 Joined for Life

11. Life Changing Effects

12. A Dream Come True – with multicultural intro

13. Pursue the Adventure

14. Blending

15. Reverence and Love – with memorial, honour to parents, and family and community support

16. Richer and Deeper

17. Great Blessing

18. Mystical Union

19. Two Traditions and Memorial

20. A New Dawn

21. Basic Christian

22. Basic Christian — simplified language (ESL)

23. Unique Spirit    /   Unique Spirit – brief

24. Roman Catholic – with memorial

25. Supreme Sharing

26 Anglican Prayer Book Wedding

27. Joyous Union


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