_(Bride)_ is about to pledge her faith, love and loyalty to _(Groom)_ . Who gives this woman to be married to this man? / Father & Mother: “We do.”
We have gathered this day to participate in a ceremony that brings together two people, two families and two traditions. This ceremony represents the upbringing and belief structure of the groom/bride and his/her family. May it, by its expression this day, be used of God to respectfully complete what was begun earlier in recognition of the bride’s/groom’s upbringing and belief. And, may we join in support of _(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ ’s commitment to each other to build a marriage, a home and a family that is characterized by love and respect for all that is good, and upright and honorable.
_(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ would also like all assembled to pause for a moment of memorial to his father/mother, ——– , who, along with his Mom/Dad, ——– , dedicated his life to providing an environment in which _(Bride)_ / _(Groom)_ could grow into the man/woman that _(Bride)_ / _(Groom)_ has come to love.
Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness the marriage of _(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ , to surround them with our prayers, and to share in their joy. The scriptures teach us that the bond and covenant of marriage is a gift of God, a holy mystery in which two become one flesh, an image of the union of Christ and the church. As this couple give themselves to each other today, we remember that our Savior Jesus Christ honored the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee with his first earthly miracle, as recorded in the Scriptures. Let us enter into this celebration confident that through the Holy Spirit, Christ is present with us now. We pray that this couple may fulfill God’s purpose for the whole of their lives.
Let us pray. — Gracious God, always faithful in your love for us, we rejoice in your presence. You create love. You unite us in one human family. You offer your word and lead us in light. You open your loving arms and embrace us with strength. May the presence of Christ fill our hearts with new joy and make new the lives of your servants whose marriage we celebrate. May the power of your Holy Spirit sustain them and all of us in love that knows no end. Amen.
There will now be a reading of Genesis 2:15-24
And now a reading of love from I Corinthians chapter 13. (1 Cor. 13:1- 8a, 13)
_(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ are about to commit themselves for love and life. If any can show just cause why they may not lawfully be married, speak now; or else for ever hold your peace.
_(Groom)_ , will you enter into the covenant of marriage with _(Bride)_ , and will you love her faithfully as long as you both shall live? / I will.
_(Bride)_ ,will you enter into the covenant of marriage with _(Groom)_ , and will you love him faithfully as long as you both shall live? / I will.
Let us pray.
O gracious and ever-living God, you have created us male and female in your image. Look mercifully upon this man and this woman who come to you seeking your blessing, and assist them with your grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep the promises and vows they make; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
_(Bride)_ , would you please pass your bouquet to your maid of honour, face each other, and _(Groom)_ would you please take _(Bride)_ ’s right hand in yours, and repeat after me to _(Bride)_ :
I _(Groom)_ ,
take you, _(Bride)_ ,
to be my wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward,
for better for worse,
for richer for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
until death do us part.
This is my solemn vow.
Now loose your hands, and _(Bride)_ , take _(Groom)_ ‘s right hand in yours and please repeat after me to _(Groom)_ :
I _(Bride)_ ,
take you, _(Groom)_
to be my husband,
to have and to hold
from this day forward,
for better for worse,
for richer for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
until death do us part.
This is my solemn vow.
You may loose your hands.
_(Groom)_ and _(Bride)_ , what will you share to symbolize your love?
The couple may name the symbol(s) and present them/it to the pastor, who may hold or place a hand on the symbol(s) and offer one of these or another prayer.
The circle has frequently been used to symbolize eternity. Without flaw, it endlessly flows from any point where it begins. By this symbol of covenant promise, Gracious God, remind _(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ of your encircling love and unending faithfulness that in all their life together they may know joy and peace in one another. Dear Lord, we ask a special blessing upon _(Groom)_ and _(Bride)_ , as they give each other their rings.
_(Groom)_ , would you please place the ring on the ring-finger of _(Bride)_ and repeat after me to _(Bride)_
_(Groom)_ , I give you this ring
as a symbol of my vow,
and with all that I am,
and all that I have,
I honor you,
in the Name of God.
_(Bride)_ , would you please place the ring on the ring-finger of _(Groom)_ and repeat after me to _(Groom)_ :
_(Groom)_ , I give you this ring
as a symbol of my vow,
and with all that I am,
and all that I have,
I honor you,
in the Name of God.
Bless these rings, Dear Lord. May they symbolize eternity and the love in _(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ ‘s union. May they always remember the words that they speak today. May You comfort them when times are difficult and remind them of the love they feel today. Amen
_(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ , by virtue of the powers vested in me by the province of Ontario as an ordained minister of the gospel, I now pronounce you husband and wife with the blessing of Christ’s church. Be merciful in all your ways, kind in heart, and humble in mind. Accept life, and be most patient and tolerant with one another. Forgive as freely as God has forgiven you. And, above everything else, be truly loving. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of one body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.
Those whom God has joined together let no one separate.
The grace of Christ attend you; the love of God surround you; the Holy Spirit keep you that you may grow in holy love, find delight in each other always, and remain faithful until your life’s end. Amen.
Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to each other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. Go now; enter into the days of your life together. And may your days be good and long on the earth. Now go in peace and live in love sharing the most precious gifts you have–the gift of your lives. May the blessing of God be with you to guide you this day and forever. Amen.
It is my privilege and pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. ——- .
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