Who gives this woman in marriage? / I do.
As friends and family we have gathered to witness the union of _(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ . We are, of course, aware that marriage has the potential for the expression of deep caring and intimacy as well as the potential for destruction and violence. Caring and intimacy will not automatically occur in a relationship when a clergyman pronounces two individuals to be husband and wife. Life itself involves growth and change, and marriage must allow for such growth in the individuals as well as in the partnership. This requires mutual respect, honesty and openness in marriage. As the family and friends of _(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ , you are here today to celebrate this union and, by your presence here you are expressing your concern for the health of this relationships. In order for any relationship to thrive, there must be a caring community of friends who will risk offering their support in times of joy and in times of distress. You are that caring community for _(Groom)_ and _(Bride)_ .
_(Bride)_ and _(Groom)_ , are about to commit themselves in marriage to each other. If anyone knows just cause why they may not be lawfully joined in marriage, let them declare it or else forever hold their peace.
_(Groom)_ , will you take this woman, whose hand you hold, choosing her alone to be your wedded wife? Will you live with her in the state of true matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honor her at all times, and be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live? / I WILL.
_(Bride)_ , will you take this man, whose hand you hold, choosing him alone to be your wedded husband? Will you live with him in the state of true matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honor him at all times, and be faithful to him for as long as you both shall live? / I WILL.
As you have now declared your intent to marry, _(Groom)_ and _(Bride)_ , I would have you remember:
To love is to come together from the pathways of our past and then move forward… Hand in hand, along the uncharted roads of our future, ready to risk, to dream, and to dare…. And always believe that all things are possible with faith and love in God, and in each other.
_(Groom)_ and _(Bride)_ , in presenting yourselves here today to be joined in marriage, you perform an act of faith. This faith can grow and develop and last, but only if you both decide to make it so. A lasting and growing love is not guaranteed by any ritual.
If you would have the foundation of your marriage be the devotion you have for one another, not just at this moment, but for all the days to come, then treasure the hopes and dreams that you bring here today. Establish that your love will never be blotted out by the common nor obscured by the ordinary in life. Faults will surface where now you find comfort. Admiration can be shattered by the routine of daily life.
Dedication, love and joy can grow only when you nourish them together. Stand fast in that hope and confidence, having faith in your shared destiny just as strongly as you have faith in yourselves and in one another today. Only with this spirit can you forge a union that will strengthen and endure all the days of your lives.
_(Bride)_ , would you please pass your bouquet to your maid of honor ? Will you please face each other and join hands?
_(Groom)_, would you please repeat after me your vows to _(Bride)_
I _(Groom)_ ,
take you, _(Bride)_ ,
as my friend and love,
beside me and apart from me,
in laughter and in tears,
in conflict and tranquility,
asking that you be no other than yourself,
loving what I know of you,
trusting what I do not know yet,
in all the ways that life may find us.
_(Bride)_, would you please repeat after me your vows to _(Groom)_
I _(Bride)_ ,
take you, _(Groom)_ ,
as my friend and love,
beside me and apart from me,
in laughter and in tears,
in conflict and tranquility,
asking that you be no other than yourself,
loving what I know of you,
trusting what I do not know yet,
in all the ways that life may find us.
May I have the rings please?
_(Groom)_ , as you place your ring on _(Bride)_ ‘s finger, would you please repeat after me your commitment to your bride?
_(Bride)_ , I give you this ring
as a symbol of my marriage vow to you.
With all that I am,
and all that I have,
I honor you.
With this ring,
I take you as my wife,
for as long as we both shall live”
Now, _(Bride)_ , as you place your ring on _(Groom)_ ‘s finger, would you please repeat after me you commitment to you groom?
_(Groom)_ , I give you this ring
as a symbol of my marriage vow to you.
With all that I am,
and all that I have,
I honor you.
With this ring,
I take you as my husband,
for as long as we both shall live”
Inasmuch as you have consented together in this ceremony to live in wedlock and have sealed your vows in the presence of this company and by the giving of these rings, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Province of Ontario, it gives me great pleasure to pronounce that you are Husband and Wife.
_(Groom)_ and _(Bride)_ , if there is anything you remember of this marriage ceremony, it is that it was love that brought you here today; it is only love which can make it a glorious union, and it is by love that your marriage shall endure.
May this day shine eternally in your lives.
May it add brilliance to every achievement and cast a divine light over any misfortune.
May you care for each other in all sadness.
May you give cheer to each other.
May you give vitality to each other in all undertakings.
May all that is virtuous, beautiful and honest, remain with you always.
It gives me great delight to introduce the newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. ———.
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