Planner`s Guide

Wedding Planner’s Guide

This guide is designed to help you think through all possible parts of a wedding service. You don’t need to include all the parts, or you might choose to add other items — the form helps you to think through your choices in preparation for discussing the ceremony with your wedding officiant. All included parts should be planned carefully with those who will provide or assist with those sections of the Ceremony.

DATE: __________________________ TIME:_______________
LICENSE: ________________ NUMBER OF RINGS: ________
>> Purchase your marriage license at City Hall as early as three months prior to the service. <<
REHEARSAL: DATE______________________ TIME______________
CEREMONY CHOICE: _______________________________________
NAME OF: BEST MAN _______________________________________
MAID OF HONOUR ________________________________
USHERS _________________ ________________________
_________________ ________________________
BRIDES MAIDS _______________ ___________________
_______________ ___________________
RING BEARER ___________________________________
FLOWER GIRL ___________________________________
SIGNING ARRANGEMENTS: _________________________________
DURING THE SERVICE______________________________
DURING THE SIGNING_______________________________

Copy, paste and print this document into Word to aid in planning your ceremony.


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